Defraggler v1.08.132

Piriform是一個很有趣的軟體設計團隊,他們的首頁上有一個很顯著的標題寫著「The best software is free」,所以其發佈的軟體都是完全免費的產品,並且同時兼顧了實用、小巧、好上手等特色。Piriform最有名的作品就是「CCleaner」,這是一款系統優化清理工具,這是我每次重灌電腦後必裝的軟體之一,它可以讓你很簡單的進行開機啟動程式、已安裝軟體的管理,它的垃圾檔案、登錄檔清理功能也是相對強效又安全的。另外Piriform不久前也將「Recuva」這款作品推向正式版,這是一款輕巧易用的檔案救援軟體,,當你不小心誤刪檔案時,這是一款「可能」可以幫你快速救回檔案的小工具。而就在CCleaner和Recuva這兩款免費軟體同時都有重大更新後,Piriform仍然沒有停下它們軟體研發的角度,持續的為我們帶來另外一款輕巧卻又獨具特色的免費磁碟重組工具:Defeaggler。

Defraggler是一款免費的磁碟重組工具,它的主程式大小不到1MB,你可以將「Defraggler.exe」這個執行檔移動到任何地方。目前的Defraggler支援所有32位元的Windows 2000, XP, 2003和Vista,

除了精簡、免安裝、支援Vista外,Defraggler的重組速度和效能也都很理想,但是Defraggler最具有特色的地方,則是在於它可以查看單一檔案的磁碟碎片情形,並且可以方便的針對單一檔案、資料夾進行重組。執行Defraggler後,我們可以到左上角的【Action】→【Defrag Drive、Folder、File】中,直接選擇某個磁碟、資料夾或檔案進行重組;或者我們可以先在主畫面選擇單一磁碟機,按下右下角的﹝Analyze﹞,進行磁碟碎片情形分析,然後再針對碎片情形較嚴重的磁碟機進行重組。




。Defrag Individual Files
Most defragmentation tools only let you defrag the whole drive. Defraggler gives you the power to select individual files and folders to defrag. So you can get the job done in seconds, rather than waiting for the whole drive to complete. Of course if you want to defrag the whole drive Defraggler will let you do that too.

。Compact and Portable
Defraggler was written in the same compact architecture as other Piriform products (CCleaner and Recuva). This results in a compact single EXE application, which can be copied to a thumbdrive and then used whenever you need it, without a complex installation process. The EXE itself is less than 1MB!

。Vista Support
Defraggler supports all OSs released since Windows 2000, this includes Windows 2000, 2003, XP and Vista. 64-bit support has also just been added! Additionally Defraggler supports both NTFS and FAT32 file systems.

。Locate Files on the Drive
After analysis Defraggler lists all the fragmented files on the drive. Selecting one or many will highlight their location on the disk. Allowing you to visually see the location of files on the disk.

Why pay hundreds of dollars for a commercial defragmentation tool, when you can use Defraggler for free! This includes corporate use as well!

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